Companies Organisations Systems
Organisations are living entities. They are fundamentally capable of adapting to the conditions of the market, their environment, their cooperation partners, and their employees - continuously and often without any effort. They do this with their own values, control mechanisms and behavioural patterns that have evolved over the course of their history.
Sometimes, however, this ongoing process of adaptation is not enough. Fundamental changes may be on the horizon: the methods used so far no longer meet the requirements of the market; fractures or crises occur in the environment or in the organisation that require targeted reactions; companies or parts of companies with different cultures are merged; people leave, people with different ideas join. This can trigger hope, a spirit of optimism, but also disquiet and uncertainty.
In such situations, one cannot rely on everything working itself out automatically. Change must be shaped. It may be sufficient to review and adjust and to optimize the existing business and strategic management tools. Alternatively, a comprehensive renewal process may be necessary to deal with the new requirements: questioning products and offers, reflecting on one's own values and behaviour patterns, finding a new strategic positioning and, building on this, designing, planning, and implementing new structures, processes, and a new way of working together.
We have many years of experience in designing change processes in industry, commerce, service providers, in schools, in administration, in value-oriented and non-profit organizations.
We support our clients in the following ways:
- We analyse with them which changes - if any - are necessary.
- We design and structure optimization and renewal processes.
- We develop and facilitate events and workshops in change processes.
- We coach project leaders, managers, and teams in dealing with change.
onion: Consultancy Network
As partners in onion: Consultancy Network we are linked by a mutual desire for a society in which a balance exists between economic, ecological and social values. At the same time, this desire is the guiding principle for what we do and how we do it.
Through our consultancy work we help to ensure that companies and organisations are successful in the marketplace and that their staff produce effective work in a positive working environment that allows them to develop.
As a rule, our task is to help steer, monitor and assess our clients’ development processes. Our work is based on the awareness that the responsibility for a problem and how to solve it lies at all times with the client, that there is not necessarily only one correct way to meet the client’s requirements and that our intervention can produce desired and undesired effects, even in unexpected places. This systemic understanding influences how we work.
The basis for cooperation at onion: Consultancy Network is mutual trust, openness and concern, an interest in what the other partners are doing and in the possibility of joint professional development. We work together for our clients, we exchange know-how and experience and we learn with and from each other.
The partners in onion are all independent from a business point of view and each is responsible for his or her own products and for marketing them. We are linked by a network because in this way we can achieve added professional and personal value for our clients and for our professional activities.
onion: Consultancy Network was founded in 1991.