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Generation change

In the next few years, most companies and public institutions will be confronted with the challenge of a substantial loss of knowledge and management experience, triggered by the retirement of many baby boomers.

At a first glance, the challenge lies in recruiting to fill the vacancies and in maintaining valuable knowledge and experience within the organisation. Often, however, there is more at stake.

The younger generations have different approaches to leadership, creative leeway, hierarchy and they often also value their professional careers differently. Attention to diversity and how to deal with it is increasing. Technological changes in the world of work are also profound.

How does an organisation prepare for this fundamental change? How do these issues affect strategy, processes, structures, and culture?

We support companies in coping with the challenges triggered by generational change so that they can use them as an opportunity for holistic further development, for example in the following topics:

  • HR strategy
  • Culture, dealing with diversity
  • Structures and processes
  • Knowledge management
  • Leadership and cooperation

Markus Kaiser

onion: werkplatz gmbh

«I have learned, and I am fully convinced of the fact, that as human beings it is in our nature to grow. For if we cease growing, we are either at dying or being suffocated.» Virginia Satir, 1916–1988

The content of this statement has deeply affected me. In my opinion it applies equally well to individuals and teams as to organisations. Throughout my work I do my best to encourage this growth, this kind of development.

Professional background

  • Independent coach and consultant for personal, management and organisational development in Baden since 1998; partner in onion: Consultancy Network since 2000
  • coach and consultant for personal and management development at Swissair (1993-1998)
  • professional and career consultant at the Berufsberatung Lenzburg; co-director (1985-1993)

Educational background

  • M.Sc. in organisational development, University of Klagenfurt, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research and Further Education, Vienna, 2006
  • Course in integrative therapy, gestalt therapy and fostering of creativity (Fritz Perls Institute, Düsseldorf), 1996
  • Swiss Higher Diploma in Human Resources from the School of Business and Administration, Olten, 1994
  • Course in client-centered therapy, Swiss Association for the person centered approach, 1988
  • Diploma in psychology (Institute of Applied Psychology IAP), careers advisor 1986
  • Apprenticeship as Mechanical engineer

Miscellaneous information

Member of:
Forum für Organisationsentwicklung,

Joint projects with:
Nadia Omar, Communications Consultant,

Further important links:,