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Leadership is also intelligent management. And much more, too. Because people cannot be managed if they don’t want to be. Leaders therefore need to win the confidence of their staff and to convince them to want to commit themselves.

This can be achieved if the leaders are aware of their responsibility for their duties and their staff and have the courage to take on this responsibility. If they are confident enough to demand a certain level of performance from their staff and to support them in achieving that level. If they communicate actively and openly with their staff, are honest and reliable and show their staff respect and concern, even and especially if things are not going as well as they should. And if they take the time to reflect on what they are doing.

We support leaders with a comprehensive range of offers:

  • Leadership coaching
    We assist leaders in defining their role and in bringing their potential to life, as well as in broadening their range of behaviours and styles.

  • Leadership development programs
    We design customised leadership training in cooperation with our clients, and we also facilitate training courses that have been designed by our clients: geared to the current requirements of the organisation, with the greatest possible sustainability, at all management levels, of varying length and intensity, and in all sectors.
    We also offer training on individual topics, such as communication, dealing with conflicts, presentations, meeting techniques, entrepreneurial thinking.

  • Leadership tools
    We provide support in the development of management tools, for example in the development, improvement, and introduction of qualification systems or in the introduction of integrated management systems.

Ursula Preininger

lead&learn AG

Even after several decades on the job I am still gratefully fascinated by people’s growth. Those moments become even more precious if I have been involved in facilitating such development.

Faced with the daily challenges of running and leading my own SME with up to 60 employees for 12 years, I was able to build a deeper, experience-based understanding of the complexity of leadership, communication and management in real life. These years of hands-on experience, combined with the theory acquired in continuous further education, form the foundation of my focus on my clients’ individual and practical needs when I design leadership development or coaching interventions for them.

Professional Experience

  • Since 2020 partner in the onion: Consultancy Network
  • Since 2010 owner of Lead & Learn AG
  • 2016 – 2023 member of the Board of Directors of inlingua International
  • 2010 – 2021 owner and manager of the inlingua language centers in Olten, Biel and Solothurn
  • 2005 – 2010 leadership roles in the corporate world at Syngenta: Head of Learning and Development Switzerland and later Global Head of Leadership Development
  • 2000 – 2005 Pedagogical Manager at inlingua International, the licensor of the global network of inlingua language centers. Since 2015 member of the Board of inlingua International
  • Grammar school teacher for English and history in the Canton Baselland

Educational background

  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, CTI/ICF (2022)
  • Diploma for Systemic Coaching and Consulting, CTAS (2019)
  • Integral Coaching, imu, Augsburg (2018)
  • Certificate in the Foundations of Neuroleadership, Neuroleadership Institute, (2014)
  • Leadership Development Program and various programs on leadership and coaching at the Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, USA (2006–2009)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in the Psychology of Organisational Development and Change, Heriot-Watt University, Chartered Institute for Psychology and Development London (2009)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in General Management at the PHW Bern (2003)
  • English linguistics and literature and general history at the universities of Basel (CH), Sussex (UK) und King’s College London (UK). MA in 1993 and grammar school teacher diploma in 1995
  • Certifications in TLCP, HBDI, MBTI, DiSC, Situational Leadership II, 360° Feedback by Design, 360° Benchmarks. Ongoing online training as a virtual trainer

Miscellaneous Information

  • Cooperations with (Gesa Heiten), (Julie Thayne), (Leanne Lloyd)
  • Bilingual in English and (Swiss) German
  • Skipper with International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft with the Cruising Club of Switzerland. Teaching navigation courses for decades. Participation in various long-distance races such as the Fastnet Race, Round Skagen, Middle Sea Race. My husband and I love to spend our free time at sea on our sailing boat.