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Healthy Organisations

What can organisations do to help employees work healthily and effectively? It is about more than managing illness and absenteeism. Healthy organisations, for example, actively address the tendency to make working hours, locations, and - forms more flexible; they meet the demands to make organisations (even) more efficient with care and look for viable solutions in dealing with diverse, sometimes contradictory expectations of supervisors and employees. For this, they have to take three perspectives into account:

  • Organisational perspektive
    Providing flexibility and space that make the demands manageable
    Prudent and realistic resource planning
    Designing goals that allow sufficient flexibility and are well aligned with everyday tasks
    Creating working conditions that meet the needs of the organisation and those of the employees
    Creating appropriate space for rest and recreation

  • Social perspective
    Establish space and processes for dialogue and reflection, to build and maintain sustainable working relationships
    Shape cooperation to create a climate of psychological safety that allows for questions, ideas and doubts
    Encourage social support in the organisation

  • Individual perspective
    Supporting all hierarchical levels in paying attention to their own health
    Maintaining and strengthening the individual resources of employees

These perspectives are connected through daily leadership and cooperation practice. If they receive sufficient attention there, essential foundations have been laid for the development of a healthy organisation.

Wir können Sie unter anderem mit folgenden Angeboten unterstützen:

  • We conduct diagnostic workshops with decision-makers and management teams to develop a suitable approach to the topic of "healthy organisation" for you.
  • We support you in analysing working conditions, stresses and resources and develop suitable measures with you.
  • We support you in their implementation.
  • We advise you on the connection of health promotion activities with other corporate activities and instruments.